I'm feeling extremely torn. On one hand I'm excited and on the other hand I'm a little sad.
For the past two years I've been teaching elementary art at a Christian school here in Nor Cal. I've loved teaching art. Never thought I would be able to do it, but the Lord has helped me so much. This last year Jr. High Art was added to my schedule. That has been a huge stretch for me. I still don't feel very qualified to do it, but I'm doing my best. A few things came up at the school where I am working and Praise the Lord I have a job for this next year. My job is changing so much though! Next year I will continue teaching Jr. High Art. Along with that I will be adding a jr. high elective. That means I will be sitting in the computer lab while the students work independently with the computer program. Not too hard for me. :o) Then I will be the assistant teacher in a 2nd and 3rd grade combo class. Woah! That is new! The classes are so small for this next year that they decided to combine the classes. So I will be teaching more, but not be completely in charge of the class. I'm really excited about that. I went to school to teach elementary school, so I feel like I'll be using my education more. I'm totally happy about that! The thing I'm sad about is that I won't be teaching elementary art anymore. I've loved teaching elementary art. If I can get my act together I'll have some projects ready for the teachers at the beginning of the year. I have so many great ideas! I don't want them to go wasted.
So that's my story.

Now for some art projects!
I did this with my 2nd grade class before school got out. We spent one class time painting paper and using those wooden spoons from ice cream to make texture in the paper. The next class time we cut out the paper to make sea creatures. They loved this! Even the students who don't usually like the projects liked this one. :o) We talked about how Eric Carle does this kind of thing to make his illustrations for his books. It was very fun.
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