Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mad Libs

I love love love using Mad Libs in my classroom. They are such a great way to practice grammar. 
And the students think they are hilarious! 
Often I'll have a list of types of words on the board in the morning. As the students wait for class to start they write a list of those words and we put together the silly paragraph as a group. You never know what is going to happen. That is the fun of it. 

Here is the Mad Lib we did this morning:  

Bagel (noun): a glazed kid-shaped roll with a fuzzy texture, made from ducks that are dropped into happily boiling me and then baked.
Balloon (noun):  a wonderful bag that rises in the bacon when it is filled with hot chicken.
Baseball (noun): a game ran with a bat and a rainbow loom by two teams of nine birds each. These two teams play  under in the trees and at bat.

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