Friday, February 8, 2013

Personality Poems

Here are some examples of my students' personality poems.  They really loved writing this one. Each student had to choose a person to write about. It could be someone they know or a fictional character they liked. 

This is the format we used:
L1 - name
L2 - 4 adjectives describing the person
L3 - loves ____
L4 - fears ____
L5 - needs ____
L6 - gives ____
L7 - believes ____
L8 - name
Once again I loved seeing the different people/characters my students chose. No two poems were alike. This class loves that opportunity to be creative! I really should give them more opportunities.

Couplets are next! Those are a little more tricky. Can't wait to share them!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Count-A-Word Poem

My poetry unit is going full swing! I love doing a poetry unit. But I especially can't wait until we have our poetry night. I love seeing my students share their poetry with the rest of their peers and their parents. They always do such a great job...always, I've only done this one other time. Ha!
Anyway, I wanted to share a few of my students' Count-A-Word poems. Sorry that the pictures are a little fuzzy. It is on the dark side in Starbucks.

A Count-A-Word poems is not a rhyming poem. It has a specific amount of words on each line.
L1 - 1 word
L2 - 2 words
L3 - 3 words
L4 - 4 words
L5 - 3 words
L6 - 2 words
L7 - 1 word (same as the first)

I let my students choose anything they wanted it to be about. I just said they could not write about a person (because we were going to write personality poems next). We read a few examples, wrote a few as a whole group and then brainstormed some topic ideas. I love the range of poems the students wrote. They were very creative! There were only a few poems that had similar topics. This has to be my favorite unit to teach.

Stay tuned for our Personality Poems!