Most of these pictures are my samples, but the kids did a great job making the projects thier own. I love to see how the students interpret the projects I give them to do.

Did you know that Oct 30th is National Caramel Apple day? The 3rd grade class created thier own paper caramel apples. They were all different flavors. I wish I had pictures to show you thier own work, but you can imagine.

Once again this was a 3rd grade sample. A couple of the kids made a Christmas turkey with red, green and white yarn. We did this project and another turkey at the same time. This was actually a last minute project that turned out great.

I love the bigger turkey in this picture. I'll post more pictures of this project. The 1st graders did an excellent job. My mom actually wants to keep the sample. :o)

The 6th grade class didn't do any projects for Thanksgiving, but we made a collage to pay attention to warm and cool colors. They did a great job. (Again this is my sample)

I love this project. The 5th grade class did this one. And this is a student's piece of artwork. The girls in this class did an exceptional job. They really put effort into this project. The boys were a whole other story. :o)

This is another of my favorite projects. We took white glue and outlined a picture of a leaf. When the glue was dried we painted the paper gold. Later the 4th graders rubbed brown shoe polish over the paper to give it an older look. They turned out beautifully. The class really liked this project. It is so encouraging when the students put effort into the projects I have planned.