I have fallen into a
big problem in my classroom.
I've put off cleaning up some areas in my classroom.
I'm now to the point that I have a lot to clean up.
A lot.
My class is functioning well, but I know that if I were more organized
I would feel better and they would function even better. Most of the clutter is on my desk and behind my desk. But it is spreading. It is like a
paper disease. Help! I need my classroom to be healthy again!
So, today it begins.
The de-clutter of room 52.
I am determined.
I'm starting out small.
Step 1: Clean off the top of my desk.
I feel so stupid that I'm having to even say this, but cleaning it off does not mean to put it in a pile somewhere else. (I'm so known to do that! Shame on me!) It
all needs to be put
away. The age of stacking papers must end. And today it will.
Everything must have a place. And if it doesn't have a place then it needs to be thrown away.